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Does An Anti Aging Diet Exist?

There has long been a debate if certain types of foods or diets promote youthfulness & retard anti-aging effectively.
Though there is no magic bullet, a good anti-aging strategy seeks to minimize free radicals damage & deliberate uptake of a wide range of antioxidants from a variety of foods in one’s diet.
Our Nutritionist / Dietitian will discuss an antioxidant rich diet coupled with lifestyle changes such as smoking cessation, reduction of excessive alcohol & appropriate exercises (core, resistance, strengthening).
This plus strategies against sun damage & pollutant damage for body & face will definitely go a long way to maintain one’s youthfulness & beauty.

Live Long! Live Strong! (NEW TOPIC)

As we get older, we tend to lose muscle mass through a process known as sarcopenia. In order to slow down this process, we should take more protein as well as engage in resistance exercise.

Similarly as we age, we tend to lose bone mass that may result in a condition of brittle bones known as osteoporosis. That requires more calcium, Vitamin D and resistance exercise.

Through this talk, learn about practical ways to optimise your dietary intake of foods that are rich in these nutrients so that you live strong and age well.

ACE Learning Journey Tour

Usually not opened to public, CSC has partnered with ACE® to bring about:


Appreciate how the fishes are grown in our local fish farm in a net cage fish farm, used to be called ‘Kelong’.

Learn what goes on in each of the different lifecycles of the fishes, from a hatchling, to harvesting, to processing and delivery. See and experience the future of local fishing.

Understand how technology is used and how sustainability is integrated into engineering design.

Find out how ACE® supports Singapore’s 30x30 FOOD SECURITY goal through sustainable Aquaculture 4.0. Supporting local and enhancing food security in Singapore.

ACE® aims to revolutionize fish farming with an eco-friendly, cost effective and sustainable method. As per ACE’s mission ‘Farm Local, Feed Global’

How to lose 10kg in 3 months?

You know that you need to bring down your weight, and you know that you have challenges kickstarting the journey, or even staying on track.

Join us as we shed light and insights on how to take the first steps, even if you are not that ready!

How Sweet are You – Balancing your blood sugar

Diabetes & Pre-Diabetes is more common now than we probably realise. And it is neither just overweight people nor those who have a sweet tooth who are at risk.

Diabetes is long-term medical condition can afflict anyone whose blood glucose levels remain higher than normal all the time. It happens when one’s pancreas does not produce enough insulin (a hormone that reduces the blood glucose levels), or when insulin does not work properly in one’s body.

Gain a better understanding of Diabetes & take-home tips to prevent it from happening to you & your loved ones!

In this talk, we will cover the following points:

- What is Diabetes & Why Worry?
- Singapore’s Fight against Diabetes
- Calories & Energy Balance
- Carbohydrates & Glycaemic Index
- Healthy Cooking Tips & Healthier Ingredients/ Ingredient alternatives

National Day Wine & Dine

CSC @ Tessensohn, Diamond Ballroom



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Function Room Booking or Team Building Enquiry

For venue or bowling booking enquiry, please contact the respective Clubhouse directly: or DID: 63915623 / or DID: 65137484 / or DID: 67094712