Beauty & Health



Learn the important four steps framework to improve and have better knee and joint functions. Participants get to learn Meridian Qi-Flexercise and self-therapy techniques, daily routines that make a big difference.
Practical food remedies for stronger knees and better joints. Renew your knowledge, Regrow your cartilage.

Venue : Others

How to lose 10kg in 3 months?

You know that you need to bring down your weight, and you know that you have challenges kickstarting the journey, or even staying on track.

Join us as we shed light and insights on how to take the first steps, even if you are not that ready!

Venue : CSC @ Tessensohn

Integrative Solutions for back pain

Back pain is a common issue for many people. The causes of back pain can range from injury, bad posture, disc degeneration and osteoarthritis.
In this program, participants are going to learn an integrative approach in taking care of their back, relieving the nagging pain, strengthening the back to prevent further back issues.
Integrative approach combines the best practices of meridian self-therapy techniques with musculoskeletal knowledge to give you a holistic healthcare for your back.

Venue : Others

LOHAS Meridian Self-Therapy Program (LOHAS-MSP)

The meridian system is the vital pathway for QI and Blood circulation in your body. Sluggish QI and Blood flow causes various health issues such as headache and migraine, lethargic, senstive nose and skin, aches and pains, weight and digestion issues, insomnia, low immunity and many more.
Learn LOHAS Meridian Self-Therapy Program to relieve and resolve these health issues and gain energy and vitality naturally.

Venue : Others