
Signature Event

Event | Signature Event | National Day Wine & Dine

National Day Wine & Dine

Venue : CSC @ Tessensohn

CSC @ Tessensohn, Diamond Ballroom

More Details:

8-Course Dinner

-          5 kind cold dish combination

-          Seafood soup

-          Roasted crispy chicken

-          Fried prawn with salted egg yolk

-          Thai style fried sea bass

-          Braised whole abalone with spinach

-          Fried rice with dried scallop in lotus leaf

-          Peach ice jelly


*Free flow of soft drink & Chinese tea


PLUS! 5 bottles of wine per table

Programme Highlights: Entertainment, Fun Games, Mass Sing-Along & Lucky Draw!

Schedules (Single Session)

Friday, 02 Aug 24

07.00PM – 10.00PM

Fee: Member $498, Public Service Officer $598, Guest $698 per table (Including 5 bottles of wine)

Registered by: 21 Jul  '23

Contact Person: Joel @ 63915607 or joelaw@csc.sg